Is there a fee to signup?
There’s no signup fee on Learners Inn. You can create your account and take demos without paying us anything! You’ll have to pay only when you purchase a course.
How will I find my course?
You can easily find your course on our website under it’s particular category. You can also search it through the search box.
How will I select my teacher?
Learners Inn gives you the power to choose your own tutor. You can take demos from different tutors and choose which suits you the best.
Who will decide my course fee?
Your course fee will be decided by your tutor. The tutors will qoute their prices along with the offered course which can be purchased by the students.
How many demo classes can I take?
You can take 1 free demo class per teacher and multiple demo classes from different teachers.
What if the teacher does not take my class?
If the teacher fails to deliver what he promised we’ll compensate your payment or allow you to choose any other tutor.
What will be the duration of classes?
Free demo classes will be of 20-25 minutes.
Timings of the regular classes will be decided between the tutor and the student.
What if I want to change my teacher after payment?
We won’t be able to change your tutor after you pay for the course, however, you can switch your course after the month ends.
Who will collect my fee?
Your payments will be collected by us through our website whenever you purchase a course.
How are the online classes conducted?
The online classes are conducted on Learners Inn Learning Management System ( which offers a vast range of features for facilitating online study. Learners Inn Tutors are expected to share their online study notes, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, past papers, online quizzes and assignments through Learners Inn LMS.
Mohammed Talha | (O levels)
As a private candidate, I struggled a lot. Joining Learners Inn made my struggle come to an end. Providing the best instructor with flexible and affordable. classes.
Talha Asim | (O Levels)
My journey started with the founder of Learners Inn when I was in grade 2. Now, I’m in O levels and she provided the best online platform which is Learners Inn to prepare for my examination.
Mohammed Ali Rao | (Grade 6)
Attended Mathematics and Computer Science workshops with Learners Inn and I scored very good and improved my grades.
Wajiha Asim | (A Levels)
I joined Learners Inn founder when I was in Grade 5. Learners Inn helped me a lot in my studies when I was taking physical classes. I had done my O levels of preparation with the help and guidance of Learners Inn.
Sultan Asif | (Grade 6)
I really appreciate the Learners Inn platform! I always score amazing after taking online guidance. Thank you for making me a good learner
Mohammed Shaban | Student
Learners Inn provided me best and affordable platform to pursue my IGCSE. Without overburdening myself in studies I can do my studies in a very easy way. Learners Inn showed me a way to achieve what I needed.
Mohammed Fahad | Student
Learners Inn cultivates trust by being devoted to comprehending the needs of its students. Teachers personalise the curriculum to fit the needs of each student and show real concern for their education, which makes it the best resource for parents looking for advice on their child’s education.
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